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Social Media Smart AI Assistants

Social Media Smart AI Assistants

Need a hand with your social media? These helpers schedule posts, reply to comments, and figure out what your followers want to see. They use sentiment analysis to understand the vibe of comments and machine learning algorithms to predict which content will get the most likes and shares.




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Check out a few case studies that show why DATAFOREST will meet your business needs.

Emotion Tracker

The financial company wanted to create a web app for their customers to query analytics about various banks with custom dashboards and analytics features. To solve this challenge, we developed a web-native application from scratch using highly-loaded AI scraping algorithms to generate a real-time database of banking data from various open-source websites and financial institutions. The app is easy to use and provides valuable insights.

CX improvement


cost reduction

Alex Rasowsky photo

Alex Rasowsky

CTO Banking company
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They delivered a successful AI model that integrated well into the overall solution and exceeded expectations for accuracy.

Client Identification

The client wanted to provide the highest quality service to its customers. To achieve this, they needed to find the best way to collect information about customer preferences and build an optimal tracking system for customer behavior. To solve this challenge, we built a recommendation and customer behavior tracking system using advanced analytics, Face Recognition, Computer Vision, and AI technologies. This system helped the club staff to build customer loyalty and create a top-notch experience for their customers.

customer retention boost


profit growth

Christopher Loss photo

Christopher Loss

CEO Dayrize Co, Restaurant chain
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The team has met all requirements. DATAFOREST produces high-quality deliverables on time and at excellent value.

Entity Recognition

The online marketplace for cars wanted to improve search for users by adding full-text and voice search, as well as advanced search with specific options. We built a system application using Machine Learning and NLP methods to process text queries, and the Google Cloud Speech API to process audio queries. This helped greatly improve the user experience by providing a more intuitive and efficient search option for them.

faster service


CX boost

Brian Bowman photo

Brian Bowman

President Carsoup, automotive online marketplace
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Technically proficient and solution-oriented.

Employee Tracker

The large Retail company was facing a significant challenge in managing and tracking our employees' working hours and needed a solution that would automate the process and ensure accuracy. We developed a system for counting employees' working hours. Employees simply approach the device upon arrival and the system automatically identifies them and records their check-in time.

manual work reduced


work experience boost

Bernd Herzmann photo

Bernd Herzmann

CTO Retail company
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DATAFOREST has an excellent workflow and provide constant and close communication. The team brings in a range of technical talent to address issues as they arise.

Would you like to explore more of our cases?
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G. AutoML
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Natural L. AI
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FB Prophet
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