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Data Visualization: The Service for Full Data Understanding

We translate the data language into graphs and charts. And, like any modern translator, DATAFOREST has experience using AI for this. We'll make your visualization of data understandable so you can make better decisions.


Budget Monitoring 
and Analysis

Keep a close eye on your finances with intuitive dashboards and reports. They track spending, identify trends, and stay on top of your budget.

Risk Forecasting and 

Our visualizations identify potential risks and highlight key income and expense areas so you can mitigate risk and maximize profit.

Cost Reduction and 
Acquisition Opportunities

Find those hidden pockets of savings. Uncover areas where you can cut costs and identify potential acquisitions that align with your goals.
Data visuals show where money is going and where it's not, highlighting unnecessary costs and untapped potential. A huge bar for "office supplies" might mean they're buying too much paper.


Equipment Efficiency Analysis

Bring your machines a health checkup with data. We pinpoint bottlenecks and opportunities by analyzing how your equipment performs at every stage.

Production Process Optimization

We uncover hidden problems that could slow you down and provide solutions to get things running smoothly again. A flowchart might show one part of the line (say, quality control) taking much longer than others.

Performance Predictions

Use data to predict how new or improved machinery will impact your production to make informed investment decisions.
A factory's production line is visualized as a series of connected pipes. When the data shows a bottleneck forming in one pipe (like a clog), it's a sign the production process is about to slow down.


Patient Sentiment Analysis

Listen to your patients without endless feedback forms. Analyzing their comments through data visualization will help you understand what they love and where you can improve.

Time Tracking

Track patients' time in your facility, from waiting rooms to exam rooms. This data visualization solution streamlines processes and reduces wait times.

Retail and E-commerce

Target Audience Analysis

With data visualization, reveal what makes customers tick by diving into their behavior and preferences to craft marketing campaigns that truly resonate.

Price Optimization

Analyze market trends and customer data with cutting-edge data visualization techniques to set prices that boost your bottom line without scaring away shoppers.

Market Trend Forecasting

Using data visualization, forecast consumer demand for a competitive edge and make smarter decisions about inventory and marketing.

Logistics and Supply Chain

Goods Demand Identification

Figure out where your products are flying off the shelves. With data visualization, you stock up in the right places and avoid empty shelves.

Order Planning and Management

Eliminate the hassle of dealing with suppliers. Data visualization helps you plan orders to get what you need and when you need it without breaking the bank.

Procurement Cost Analysis

With our data visualization service, you can examine your supplier costs closely and find ways to save money, which you can then use to invest in other areas.

Risk Forecasting

Analyze your data through data visualization to predict potential supplier problems, giving you time to create backup plans and avoid delays.

Logistics Optimization

Find ways to improve efficiency and eliminate bottlenecks to cut costs and get your products to customers faster using informative data visualization.

Ready for a custom dashboard that 

speaks your language?

Let's make it happen.
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Cases of Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Check out a few case studies that show why DATAFOREST will meet your business needs.

Emotion Tracker

The financial company wanted to create a web app for their customers to query analytics about various banks with custom dashboards and analytics features. To solve this challenge, we developed a web-native application from scratch using highly-loaded AI scraping algorithms to generate a real-time database of banking data from various open-source websites and financial institutions. The app is easy to use and provides valuable insights.

CX improvement


cost reduction

Alex Rasowsky photo

Alex Rasowsky

CTO Banking company
View case study
Emotion Tracker preview
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They delivered a successful AI model that integrated well into the overall solution and exceeded expectations for accuracy.

Client Identification

The client wanted to provide the highest quality service to its customers. To achieve this, they needed to find the best way to collect information about customer preferences and build an optimal tracking system for customer behavior. To solve this challenge, we built a recommendation and customer behavior tracking system using advanced analytics, Face Recognition, Computer Vision, and AI technologies. This system helped the club staff to build customer loyalty and create a top-notch experience for their customers.

customer retention boost


profit growth

Christopher Loss photo

Christopher Loss

CEO Dayrize Co, Restaurant chain
View case study
Client Identification preview
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The team has met all requirements. DATAFOREST produces high-quality deliverables on time and at excellent value.

Entity Recognition

The online marketplace for cars wanted to improve search for users by adding full-text and voice search, as well as advanced search with specific options. We built a system application using Machine Learning and NLP methods to process text queries, and the Google Cloud Speech API to process audio queries. This helped greatly improve the user experience by providing a more intuitive and efficient search option for them.

faster service


CX boost

Brian Bowman photo

Brian Bowman

President Carsoup, automotive online marketplace
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Entity Recognition preview
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Technically proficient and solution-oriented.

Show all Success stories

Technologies of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Pandas icon
SciPy icon
TensorFlow icon
Numpy icon
ADTK icon
DBscan icon
G. AutoML icon
G. AutoML
Keras icon
MLFlow icon
Natural L. AI icon
Natural L. AI
NLTK icon
OpenCV icon
Pillow icon
PyTorch icon
FB Prophet icon
FB Prophet
SageMaker icon
Scikit-learn icon
SpaCy icon
XGBoost icon
YOLO icon
Data Collection
We deeply analyze your goals, budget, and timeline, gathering data from all corners of your business to provide insightful data analysis and visualization.
Data Refinement
We scrub your data effectively, removing any junk that might mess up the results and map out a plan to ensure it is ready for its visual transformation.
Data Organization
We categorize and structure your data to create a clear roadmap for analysis and visualization.
Data Filtering
We trim the fat from your data, honing in on the most relevant insights for a clearer, more focused picture.
Data Visualization
We tailor your data into visually compelling charts, diagrams, tables, and maps, choosing the perfect templates for data science visualization.
Collaboration and Kickoff
We collaborate with you to refine the visualizations and ensure they perfectly align with your vision, then hit the ground running on your project, providing regular updates.

Want your data to look as good 

as it could be?

Let's turn numbers into eye-catching visuals to make your presentations pop.

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Still have questions about data science services?

What is data visualization in business analytics?
A data visualization agency represents complex business data, transforming raw numbers and figures into intuitive charts, graphs, and dashboards. It empowers business analysts to quickly identify trends, patterns, and anomalies, enabling data-driven decision-making. By presenting information clearly and concisely, data visualization bridges the gap between data and actionable insights, fostering better team communication and collaboration.
How can data visualization improve decision-making?
A data visualization company transforms complex data into intuitive visuals, making it easier to spot trends, patterns, and outliers that might otherwise be hidden. These visual representations allow for faster and more accurate analysis, enabling decision-makers to grasp the whole picture at a glance. With these insights, businesses can make more informed, strategic choices that drive growth and success.
Which tools are used for data visualization?
Popular business intelligence platforms like Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, and Qlik Sense offer robust data visualization capabilities for analyzing large datasets and creating interactive dashboards. Coding libraries such as D3.js, Matplotlib, and Plotly provide more flexibility and customization for developers building bespoke visualizations. User-friendly tools like Visme and Canva cater to non-technical users who want to create visually appealing charts and infographics with ease.
How does data visualization help in business?
Any data visualization agency simplifies complex business data by transforming it into easy-to-understand visuals, empowering executives and frontline staff to grasp key insights quickly. These visualizations reveal hidden patterns, trends, and correlations, leading to more informed and strategic decision-making. Data visualization fosters collaboration and drives positive business outcomes by facilitating a shared understanding of data across departments.
Can data visualization handle big data?
Data visualization companies are designed to handle big data, utilizing specialized tools and techniques to process and display massive datasets. By aggregating, filtering, and summarizing information, data visualization allows for extracting meaningful insights from otherwise overwhelming volumes of data. Modern big data visualization platforms leverage distributed computing and scalable architectures to render complex visualizations quickly and efficiently with billions of data points.
How do I choose the right data visualization service?
Start by clearly defining your business goals and the specific data types you need to visualize. Research different data analytics and visualization service providers, comparing their expertise, experience, and tools. Consider factors like scalability, customization options, integration capabilities, and cost to find the best fit for your needs and budget.
How secure are data visualization services?
Data visualization services prioritize security with robust measures to protect sensitive information. They often employ encryption, access controls, and regular audits to safeguard data from unauthorized access or breaches. Providers adhere to industry-standard security protocols and regulations like GDPR and HIPAA to ensure compliance and data integrity.
How long does it take to make a data visualization?
The time it takes to create a data visualization varies depending on several factors, including the complexity of the data, the desired level of detail and interactivity in the visualization, and the tools and resources available. Simple charts or graphs can be created in minutes, while complex, interactive dashboards may take weeks or months to develop. However, the process can be streamlined and accelerated with the right tools and expertise to deliver timely insights.
What are the costs associated with data visualization consulting?
The cost of data visualization consulting services varies depending on the project's scope and complexity, the consultant's expertise, and the specific tools and technologies involved. Some consultants charge hourly rates, while others offer project-based pricing.
How does the integration of machine learning for data science enhance the capabilities of ML data science?
Machine learning for data science represents a pivotal integration, where sophisticated ML techniques are applied to extract deeper insights and predictions from complex datasets. In the realm of ML data science, this combination is empowering data scientists to uncover patterns and trends that were previously hidden, significantly enhancing data-driven decision-making across various industries.
What is the function of a machine learning database in the context of ML algorithms?
A machine learning database is the backbone for storing and managing the vast and varied datasets essential for training and refining ML algorithms. Through machine learning development services, businesses can tap into this wealth of data to build custom solutions that enhance operations, drive innovation, and provide a competitive edge in their respective industries.
What is the role of a machine learning company in the business sector?
A machine learning company specializes in developing sophisticated algorithms to transform how businesses interact with their data, leading to smarter, more informed decision-making. By focusing on creating a machine learning application, these companies enable a wide range of industries to automate and optimize their processes, enhancing efficiency and innovation.
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