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January 18, 2024
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ETL Tools in 2024: Diversity in Data Handling

January 18, 2024
33 min
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As we're gearing up for 2024, we've got our spotlight on a range of ETL tools, not to rank them in glitzy awards show style but to appreciate their diverse roles in the data integration process. Just as you need the correct adapter to charge your phone in a foreign country, the most popular ETL tools ensure that the journey of data — from collection to grand entry into a data warehouse — is smooth and seamless. We're not setting up a competitive league table. It's like curating an art gallery, showcasing the variety and richness of these tools. Schedule a call, get advice from DATAFOREST, and move in the right direction.

Data Integration Market Size 2023 To 2032

The global data integration market size was evaluated at USD 12.14 billion in 2022 and is expected to hit around USD 39.25 billion by 2032.

ETL Tool Selection — Factors for Making the Right Choice

Selecting the right ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool is finding the perfect assistant for a complex project — it needs to be a good fit for your specific needs and environment.

The Main ETL Tool Selection Features

  1. Like ensuring a new appliance fits in your home, you must check if the ETL tool supports all your data sources and targets. Think about where your data comes from and where it needs to go. Does the tool play nice with these sources and destinations?
  2. Your ETL tool should grow with your business, just like a good pair of jeans. Can it handle increasing data volumes without a hitch? Does it offer high performance and efficiency, especially when dealing with large datasets?
  3. How well can the tool transform and clean your data? It's like having a skilled chef who can turn essential ingredients into a gourmet meal. Look for powerful, flexible transformation features that meet your specific needs.
  4. You don't want a tool that requires a rocket scientist to operate. Consider the user interface and ease of use. Is it intuitive? How steep is the learning curve? The goal is to streamline processes, not complicate them.
  5. Your ETL tool shouldn't be a lone wolf; it should play well with other tools in your tech stack. Think about its integration capabilities with your existing systems and future tools you might adopt.
  6. If you want clean, organized files on your computer, your ETL tool should ensure data quality and governance. Look for features that validate, clean, and standardize data, ensuring you're working with accurate and reliable information.
  7. Money matters! Consider the total cost of ownership, including licensing, implementation, and maintenance. Will the investment in this tool pay off in terms of improved efficiency and decision-making?
  8. It's always good to have a helping hand. Check the level of support and documentation provided. Also, a vibrant user community is a valuable resource for troubleshooting and best practices.
  9. In a world where data breaches are common, your ETL tool must have robust security features to protect sensitive data during the ETL process.
  10. Every business is unique, and so are its data needs. Your ETL tool should offer enough customization to align with your specific requirements.

Choosing the right ETL tool is a strategic decision that impacts your data management power.

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Top ETL Tools For Specific Business Needs

It refers to selecting data integration solutions tailored to fit unique organizational requirements. This approach ensures that the best ETL tools align perfectly with a business's data processing, transformation, and storage needs, optimizing efficiency and effectiveness in data management.

Top ETL Tools For Specific Business Needs

Matching Specific ETL Tool Capabilities

Here's an organization of the ETL tool use case scenarios with their corresponding business needs and tool requirements.

Use Case Scenario Business Need ETL Tool Requirement
Large-Scale Data Processing Handling vast amounts of data efficiently. High-performance tools like Apache Spark or Hadoop for ETL can distribute processing and manage big data workloads.
Real-Time Data Integration Immediate data processing for timely insights. Tools like Apache Kafka or AWS Glue ETL tool that offer real-time data capture and streaming capabilities.
Cloud-Based Data Integration Integrating various cloud-based applications and services. Cloud-native ETL solutions like Google Cloud Dataflow or Azure Data Factory are optimized for cloud environments.
Complex Data Transformations Advanced data manipulation and transformation. Tools with robust transformation features like Talend or Informatica PowerCenter.
Data Warehousing Consolidating data into a central repository for analysis. ETL tools with strong data warehousing capabilities, like Oracle Data Integrator or AWS Data Pipeline.

Below are examples of ETL tools. Select what you need and schedule a call.

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Aligning ETL Tool Features with Business Goals

It is about aligning the specific functionalities of ETL tools with the strategic goals and data management needs of a business. This process involves evaluating various ETL tools against the organization's priorities, like data processing speed for real-time analytics, scalability for growing data volumes, or specific integrations for unique data sources. The aim is to choose an ETL solution that meets current data handling requirements and supports the broader business objectives.

  • To improve decision-making processes it's vital to pick ETL tools that integrate seamlessly with Business Intelligence and analytics platforms. It enhances data visualization and reporting, enabling businesses to glean actionable insights.
  • For managing budget constraints, opting for cost-effective or open-source ETL tools, such as Talend Open Studio, is wise. These tools offer essential features without a hefty price tag, making them suitable for businesses mindful of spending.
  • Addressing the need to adapt to growing data volumes is essential to select scalable ETL solutions. These tools can handle increasing data complexities over time, ensuring the ETL process remains efficient as the business grows.
  • Choosing tools with robust data quality, cleansing, and governance features is essential to maintain data accuracy and compliance. It ensures data reliability and adherence to regulatory standards, which is crucial for sensitive or critical data.
  • Tools with intuitive, user-friendly interfaces and self-service capabilities, like Stitch or Skyvia, are ideal for empowering non-technical users. They facilitate broader engagement, allowing users to analyze data without technical know-how.
  • ETL tools with solid security features, including encryption and access controls, are paramount in protecting sensitive data. They ensure compliance with data protection standards, safeguarding critical business data against breaches.

The right ETL tool should address the technical aspects of data integration and align with broader business strategies and objectives.

The List of ETL Tools

To form your ETL tools list, identify your specific data integration needs and any technical requirements. Then, research and compare various ETL tools based on features, scalability, user reviews, and cost-effectiveness. Finally, narrow down options by considering vendor reputation, customer support, and compliance with industry standards.

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DATAFOREST has the best data engineering expertise we have seen on the market in recent years.

DATAFOREST's experienced developers code well-designed ETL workflows that link all the sources your company needs and lead valuable business information to suitable data warehouses. We create ETL pipelines with Airflow, Databricks, Snowflake, and AWS Data Pipeline. But we also pay attention to other tools. Here are some examples.

Dell Boomi AtomSphere

Dell Boomi AtomSphere

It is a cloud-based integration platform (iPaaS) service that enables businesses to integrate various applications and data sources in the cloud and on-premises. Its core functionality facilitates the seamless transfer and transformation of data across different systems, improving operational efficiency and consistency. AtomSphere is known for its user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to create and manage integrations without extensive programming knowledge.

One of the key features of Dell Boomi is its vast library of pre-built connectors, which allows easy integration with a wide range of applications, databases, and systems. The platform supports real-time integration, ensuring synchronized and up-to-date data across different systems. It also offers robust data governance and security features. With its scalable architecture, Dell Boomi suits businesses of all sizes, from small enterprises to large corporations.


  • Cloud-Based Flexibility: It's cloud-native, meaning you can access it anytime. No need to be tied down to a physical server.
  • User-Friendly Interface: It's got a drag-and-drop interface, making it a breeze to build complex data pipelines, even if you're not a hardcore coder.
  • Wide Connectivity: Boomi connects with many applications and data sources. It's like it speaks a universal language.
  • Scalability: Whether your business is a sprouting seed or a mighty oak, Boomi scales to meet your data integration needs.


  • Learning Curve: Getting the hang of Boomi can be like learning to salsa dance—it takes practice and patience.
  • Customization Limits: Sometimes, you need something more customized, and Boomi might just not stretch that far.
  • Cost: The average market price can vary based on your needs, but you're looking at somewhere around a few thousand dollars annually for a basic package.


The Dell Boomi AtomSphere ETL tool offers various tiers, each with its own pricing and set of features tailored to different integration needs:

  • The Pro Plus Edition, designed to cater to real-time integration requirements, is priced at approximately $2,000 monthly.
  • For more complex enterprise needs, the Enterprise Edition is available at around $4,000 per month.
  • The most comprehensive tier, the Enterprise Plus Edition, which includes advanced features and extensive connectivity options for enterprise needs, is priced at about $8,000 monthly.

These tiers reflect increasing levels of functionality and support to meet the diverse demands.



It is like a workhorse for handling massive amounts of data. Picture a library extensive enough to hold all the books in the world — that's the kind of data we're talking about. Hadoop ETL tools are frameworks that allow for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It's designed to scale from a single server to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage.

Rather than relying on hardware to deliver high availability, the library is designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer. So, it's incredibly resilient, like a spider's web that keeps its shape even if a few strands break. Hadoop's big selling point is its ability to store and analyze data in any format, whether structured like a database or unstructured like emails or videos.


  • Scalability and Flexibility: Hadoop is renowned for handling large volumes of data, particularly in the petabyte range, which makes it ideal for processing big data.
  • Speed: Compared to traditional ETL processes, Hadoop can process data more rapidly, providing near-real-time results depending on the complexity of the data.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Being an open-source framework, Hadoop cuts down on operating and maintenance costs.
  • Community Support: Hadoop's open-source nature is backed by a large and active community, ensuring continuous updates, bug fixes, and security enhancements.
  • Improved Data Warehousing: Hadoop can significantly reduce data warehousing storage costs and improve query performance. It also enables more data to be processed in a shorter time.


  • Maturity and Expertise: Despite its growing popularity, Hadoop's adoption in ETL processes is still not as widespread as traditional methods.
  • Integration and Migration: Transitioning from traditional ETL tools to a Hadoop-based environment can be challenging, requiring a change in technical skills and mindset.
  • Tool Availability: The number of tools specifically designed for implementing ELT processes on Hadoop is currently limited.
  • Learning Curve: For those accustomed to traditional GUI-based ETL tools, adapting to Hadoop's programming model (Java, Python, R, HiveQL, Pig Latin) steep the learning curve.


As an open-source framework, Hadoop does not come with a direct cost. However, the total cost of using Hadoop for ETL includes considerations for the hardware required to run the clusters, potential cloud service fees if using a cloud-based Hadoop service, and any additional tooling or support services needed. These costs can vary greatly depending on the scale and specifics of the deployment.

Google Cloud Dataflow

Google Cloud Dataflow

It is a fully managed service for stream and batch data processing, efficiently handling enormous amounts of data. Imagine a super-efficient conveyor belt in a vast factory, systematically moving items at lightning speed; that's akin to how Dataflow operates with data.

It is designed to reduce the complexity of developing and executing various data processing patterns. It's like having a team of the world's best data experts in your corner, automating and optimizing tasks like batch processing, ETL (extract, transform, load), and real-time computational workloads.

One of its standout features is its ability to seamlessly integrate with other Google Cloud services, like BigQuery, Cloud Storage, Pub/Sub, and more. What sets Dataflow apart is its ability to automatically scale resources up or down based on the workload, akin to a smart thermostat adjusting the temperature of a house based on occupancy and weather.


  • Ease of Integration: It integrates well with the Google Cloud stack.
  • User-Friendly: The tool is user-friendly and cost-effective.
  • Flexibility: It's flexible for programmers, supporting languages like Python.
  • Scalability: Known for its scalability, ideal for large data volumes.
  • Pay-as-you-go Model: Offers a flexible pricing model.


  • Integration with Kafka: Needs improvement in integrating with Kafka topics.
  • Deployment Time: Could be faster.
  • Error Logging: The tool has issues with error logging, making debugging difficult.
  • Complexity: Some users find it complex and suggest improvements in its user interface.


The pricing for Google Cloud Dataflow includes charges for worker resources, Dataflow Shuffle data processing, and Streaming Engine data processing. These charges vary based on the specific resources and the amount of data processed.

Job type CPU (per vCPU per hour) Memory (per GB per hour) Data processed during shuffle (per GB)
Batch $0.0672 $0.0042684 $0.01322
FlexRS $0.0404 $0.0025655 $0.01322
Streaming $0.0828 $0.0042684 $0.02164

See prices for other services on the tool's website.

ETL in Azure Data Factory

ETL in Azure Data Factory

Azure Data Factory is Microsoft's cloud-based data integration service. Picture it as a massive, highly efficient assembly line in the cloud, designed to collect data from different sources, which can be anything. Once gathered, it transforms this data using services like Azure HDInsight Hadoop, Spark ETL tool, and Azure Data Lake Analytics. Azure Data Factory stands out because its visual interface lets users create, schedule, and monitor data pipelines. It's like having a high-tech control panel where you can quickly and precisely oversee and manage your data workflows. It can also integrate with various Microsoft Azure ETL tools, making it versatile in the Azure ecosystem. Think of it as a central hub in a vast network, connecting different data points to generate valuable business insights akin to connecting the dots in a complex puzzle.


  • Multi-cloud Architecture: ADF is beneficial for integrating and centralizing data stored across various clouds, making it a good option for environments with diverse data storage.
  • Code-Free Data Workflows: It allows users to collect and integrate data from mainstream sources without writing code, making it accessible to non-technical users.
  • Easy SSIS Migration: ADF provides a smooth transition path with minimal effort for businesses already using Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
  • Large Collection of Data Connectors: ADF offers nearly 100 pre-built data connectors for external data sources, facilitating easy integration.
  • Built-in Monitoring and Alerting: It comes with native features for monitoring data integration operations and setting up alerts for failures.


  • Custom Data Collectors: If you need to integrate with nonstandard data sources, custom coding is required, which might be challenging for some users.
  • Focus on Azure: While ADF supports some external data sources, it is primarily designed for Azure-centric environments, which might be a limitation for multi-cloud strategies.
  • Long-term Expense: Although its pay-as-you-go pricing model is attractive, long-term costs might be higher than on-premises solutions.


Azure Data Factory's pricing is based on a consumption model, meaning you pay for what you use. The exact pricing details depend on the services and resources used within ADF, such as the number of pipeline runs, data processing units, and other factors. For example, here are prices for data factory pipeline orchestration and execution.

Type Azure Integration Runtime Azure Managed VNET Integration Runtime Self-Hosted Integration Runtime
Orchestration $1 per 1,000 runs $1 per 1,000 runs $1.50 per 1,000 runs
Data movement Activity $0.25/DIU-hour $0.25/DIU-hour $0.10/hour
Pipeline Activity $0.005/hour $1/hour $0.002/hour
External Pipeline Activity $0.00025/hour $1/hour $0.0001/hour



As a software, Portable specializes in extracting data from various sources, be it traditional databases, cloud-based systems, or even unstructured data pools.Once the data is extracted, Portable's tool transforms it meticulously. It requires cleaning, reformatting, and restructuring data to make it suitable for insightful analysis.Finally, the tool loads this processed data into target systems, such as data warehouses or analytical tools, ensuring it's ready for decision-making. Portable stands out for its user-friendly interface, ability to seamlessly integrate with various data sources and systems, and commitment to making complex data operations accessible and manageable for businesses of all sizes.


  • Easy to use with over 350 data connectors.
  • Supports unlimited data volumes.
  • Offers hands-on support for custom connectors.


  • Complexity in managing large data sets and integrating certain specific or legacy systems.


  • Starter: $200 per month.
  • Scale: $1000 per month.
  • Custom Pricing: Available for business-tailored solutions



It is a cloud-based, fully managed ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) service designed to consolidate data from various sources into a centralized location, typically a data warehouse or data lake.

On the 'Extract' stage, Stitch connects to multiple data sources: SaaS platforms, databases, or custom sources. Think of it as a universal adapter, connecting different data 'outlets.' Unlike traditional ETL tools that transform data before loading, Stitch focuses on a more straightforward ELT approach – it loads raw data directly into the destination, like depositing raw ingredients into a pantry for later use. This approach allows users to perform transformations using the tools and capabilities of their data warehouse.

Stitch is known for its ease of use, straightforward setup, and user-friendly interface. It automates much of the data ingestion process, allowing teams to focus on analyzing data rather than managing its transportation.


  • Efficient Data Replication: Stitch rapidly moves data from various sources, including SaaS platforms and databases, into a data warehouse.
  • Schema Change Detection: It automatically adjusts to changes in your data's schema, reducing manual intervention.
  • User-Friendly: Stitch is known for its straightforward, easy-to-use platform, particularly suitable for developers and businesses looking for quick data movement.
  • Compatibility: It supports various integrations and is compatible with various data warehouses like Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake.
  • Automation: Stitch focuses on automating the ETL process, especially the extraction and loading parts, making data readily available for analytics.


  • Limited Transformation Capabilities: Stitch primarily focuses on data extraction and loading, with less emphasis on complex data transformation.
  • Pricing Model: While offering a free tier, costs can increase significantly for businesses handling larger volumes of data. It might be more suited to SMEs with lower data volumes.
  • User Interface: Some users find the UI less friendly, indicating a potential area for improvement in user experience.


  • Standard Plan: Begins at $100 per month for up to 300 million rows, with additional costs for extra rows ingested.
  • Advanced Plan: $1250/mo.
  • Premium Plan: $2500/mo.

AWS Data Pipeline

AWS Data Pipeline

Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps you reliably process and move data between different AWS ETL services and on-premises data sources at specified intervals. With it, you can regularly access your data where it's stored, transform and process it at scale, and efficiently transfer the results to AWS ETL tools such as Amazon S3, RDS, DynamoDB, and EMR.

One of the critical strengths of AWS Data Pipeline is its high availability and reliable performance, akin to a well-oiled machine that consistently delivers on time. It is designed to handle dependencies between tasks efficiently, ensuring that they are executed in the correct order and at the right time.

The service is highly customizable, allowing you to define the data sources, schedules, and resources needed for processing tasks. This customization is akin to having a bespoke suit tailored precisely to your measurements, ensuring a fit for your specific data needs.


  • Integration with AWS Services: It seamlessly integrates with various AWS services like S3, RDS, and Redshift, making it a comprehensive solution within the AWS ecosystem.
  • Automation: Allows for automating data movement and processing tasks, saving time and reducing manual errors.
  • Flexibility: Supports various data sources, formats, and processing activities, offering flexibility for diverse data integration needs.
  • Scalability: Being an AWS service, it easily scales to handle large volumes of data.


  • Complexity: Setting up and managing data pipelines can be complex, particularly for those new to AWS or data engineering.
  • Dependence on AWS Ecosystem: While it integrates well with AWS services, it may not be as flexible with external or on-premises data sources.
  • Cost Management: Understanding and managing costs can be challenging due to the variable nature of AWS pricing.


AWS Data Pipeline's pricing is based on the compute resources consumed and the frequency of pipeline activities. The cost depends on factors like:

  • The number of preconditions and activities used in the pipeline.
  • The frequency of pipeline runs (low-frequency runs are cheaper than high-frequency runs).
  • The region where the pipeline is deployed.

Specifically, AWS Data Pipeline offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model.

AWS Glue

AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a fully managed, serverless data integration service from Amazon ETL suite, designed to streamline the process of preparing and combining data for analytics, machine learning, and application development. As a powerful and intelligent intermediary, AWS Glue automates the time-consuming tasks of data discovery, extraction, mapping, and loading. AWS Glue features a centralized metadata repository known as the Glue Data Catalog, which acts like an intelligent map, guiding you to your data and its lineage. It simplifies the management and understanding of data across a wide range of AWS storage services.

Moreover, it is serverless, eliminating the need to manage servers. It automatically scales to match the volume of your data processing needs, much like a self-adjusting machine that intuitively aligns with your workload.

With AWS Glue, data integration becomes less about the grunt work of managing data pipelines and more about focusing on the insights and outcomes that the data provides. It's a robust solution for businesses seeking scalable ways to harness the power of their data for ETL in AWS.


  • Fully Managed Service: AWS Glue is serverless, eliminating the need for infrastructure management.
  • Ease of Use: It provides a user-friendly interface and automates the ETL process, including data discovery, job scheduling, and script generation.
  • Scalability: AWS Glue can handle large volumes of data, scaling resources as needed.
  • Integration with AWS Ecosystem: It seamlessly integrates with other AWS services like S3, Redshift, and RDS for a complete data solution.
  • Flexibility: Various data sources and formats are supported, allowing for versatile data integration and transformation tasks.


  • Complexity for Beginners: The service might be complex for beginners or users unfamiliar with the AWS ecosystem.
  • Cost Management: Understanding and managing costs can be challenging due to its consumption-based pricing model.
  • Limited Control: Being a fully managed service, it might offer less control over certain aspects than custom-built ETL solutions.


AWS Glue pricing is based on the resources consumed during the ETL process. The costs include charges for:

  • Data Processing Units (DPUs): DPUs measure the processing power consumed by ETL jobs and crawlers. Pricing is calculated based on the number of DPU hours used.
  • Data Catalog Usage: Charges for storing and accessing metadata in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is a comprehensive platform specializing in high-performance batch loads, transformations, and ETL processes. It's a robust and flexible tool that simplifies complex data integration tasks across diverse systems. Think of ODI as a skilled translator adept at combining different languages (data formats) and cultures (systems) under one roof for seamless communication.

Instead of transforming data before loading it into a target system, ODI loads raw data first and performs transformations directly in the target database. This method leverages the power of the underlying database for processing, resulting in improved performance and efficiency.

It's highly adaptable, supporting many data sources and targets: big data systems, cloud applications, and traditional data warehouses. ODI's strong point is its ability to maintain data integrity, even in heterogeneous IT environments. It is a tool for organizations looking to integrate their data assets effectively and with minimal overhead.


  • Versatility in Data Integration: It can connect and harmonize various data sources, from traditional databases to big data solutions.
  • High Performance: It's designed for high performance and efficiency, particularly with its Extract, Load, Transform (ELT) technology.
  • Advanced Data Governance: Its robust capabilities ensure that your data management is efficient and compliant with various regulatory standards.


  • Steep Learning Curve: Getting the hang of ODI can be like learning to play a complex new instrument. It's powerful but not exactly user-friendly for beginners.
  • Integration Complexity: ODI's wide range of functionalities can be overwhelming, and setting up intricate data integration processes can be as challenging as solving a Rubik's Cube.
  • Resource Intensive: In some cases, ODI can be pretty demanding regarding system resources, especially for large-scale implementations. It's like running a high-end game on a primary computer.


Oracle Data Integrator Enterprise Edition has such pricing:

  • For Individual Users: If you're looking at a Named User Plus License, it'll set you back $900. Think of it as your personal pass to the ODI world. And for keeping everything up to date and getting support, there's an additional annual cost of $198.00 per user.
  • For the Big Players (Processor License): If you need a Processor License, you're looking at $30,000. It's covering broader, more intensive use. And just like a car needs servicing, there's a yearly Software Update License and Support fee of $6,600.00 for this option.

There's a minimum requirement: at least 25 named users per processor.

IBM Infosphere Datastage

IBM Infosphere Datastage

It is a powerful ETL tool and a key component of IBM's Information Platform Solutions suite. It's designed for integrating large volumes of data, especially in complex environments, making it a robust solution for high-performance data processing and transformation.

DataStage excels in extracting data from multiple sources, from traditional databases to big data formats. It's like a multifaceted extractor, adept at pulling diverse data types from various sources. Once the data is extracted, DataStage transforms it with a high degree of sophistication. It resembles a skilled artisan meticulously shaping raw materials into refined and valuable products. After transformation, DataStage efficiently loads this processed data into target systems, such as data warehouses or data marts. Its high scalability and parallel processing capabilities ensure that even the most demanding data loads are easily handled.

DataStage is particularly valued for its ability to facilitate complex integrations, manage high-volume data processing, and support real-time data integration.


  • Robust Data Integration Capabilities: It's designed to handle various data sources and targets, making it versatile for various data integration needs. This tool can juggle everything from simple to complex data transformations.
  • High Performance & Scalability: It's built for high performance, can efficiently process large volumes of data, and can scale up to meet the needs of even the most demanding data environments.
  • Advanced Data Quality Functions: Its advanced data quality functions ensure that the data is not only integrated but also cleaned, standardized, and ready for use, akin to a detailed inspection of a diamond before it hits the display case.


  • Complexity in Use and Maintenance: Navigating through DataStage can feel like trying to solve a complex puzzle. It's powerful but has a steep learning curve and can be challenging.
  • Resource Intensity: Running DataStage can be resource-intensive, like revving up a high-powered engine. It requires substantial system resources for processing large datasets.
  • Integration with Latest Technologies: DataStage might need additional tweaking or updates to integrate seamlessly with newer data sources or platforms.


Plan Features and capabilities Pricing
Lite Get started with fully managed, serverless data integration with the DataStage parallel engine Free
Standard Fully managed, serverless data integration with readily scalable DataStage parallel engine $1.828 USD/Capacity Unit-Hour
Small Enterprise Bundle Fully managed, serverless data integration with readily scalable DataStage parallel engine with 5000 CUH included $8,260.00 USD/Instance

$1.828 USD/Capacity Unit-Hour
Medium Enterprise Bundle Fully managed, serverless data integration with readily scalable DataStage parallel engine with 10000 CUH included $14,600.00 USD/Instance

$1.828 USD/Capacity Unit-Hour
Large Enterprise Bundle Fully managed, serverless data integration with readily scalable DataStage parallel engine with 25000 CUH included $32,000.00 USD/Instance

$1.828 USD/Capacity Unit-Hour
DataStage-aaS Anywhere Extra Small Package Deploy DataStage remote runtime engine(s) on any cloud or on-premises and pay for the VPCs you use $725.00 USD/Virtual Processor Core

$1.83 USD/Capacity Unit-Hour
DataStage-aaS Anywhere Small Package Deploy DataStage remote runtime engine(s) on any cloud or on-premises with 12 VPCs included $725.00 USD/Virtual Processor Core

$1.83 USD/Capacity Unit-Hour

$8,400.00 USD/Instance
DataStage-aaS Anywhere Medium Package Deploy DataStage remote runtime engine(s) on any cloud or on-premises with 24 VPCs included $725.00 USD/Virtual Processor Core

$1.83 USD/Capacity Unit-Hour

$16,200.00 USD/Instance
DataStage-aaS Anywhere Large Package Deploy DataStage remote runtime engine(s) on any cloud or on-premises with 60 VPCs included $725.00 USD/Virtual Processor Core

$1.83 USD/Capacity Unit-Hour

$32,100.00 USD/Instance

Talend Open Studio

Talend Open Studio

Talend Open Studio refers to free ETL tools offering a comprehensive data integration suite and management capabilities. Its user-friendly graphical interface stands out, simplifying designing and executing data workflows. Imagine it as a digital artist's canvas, where you can visually map out and manipulate data flows rather than writing extensive code. Talend Open Studio supports various data sources and targets, including databases, flat files, and cloud applications.

One of the critical strengths of Talend Open Studio is its open-source nature, fostering a community-driven approach to development and innovation. This openness makes the tool accessible without significant investment and ensures it continually evolves with users' contributions worldwide. Talend Open Studio offers a robust, cost-effective alternative for businesses implementing data integration and transformation solutions.


  • Open-Source Flexibility: You can customize and tweak the tool to your heart's content. It's great for those who love to have their hands on the wheel.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The tool boasts a user-friendly interface, making it as easy to navigate as your favorite smartphone app.
  • Rich Feature Set: Talend doesn't skimp on features despite being open source. It's packed with capabilities that can rival many paid tools.


  • Performance with Large Datasets: Talend Open Studio might start to sweat a bit when dealing with massive datasets, like a compact car trying to climb a steep hill.
  • Limited Advanced Features in the Free Version: While the open-source version is a treasure trove, some more advanced features are reserved for the paid versions.
  • Community Support Over Professional Support: Being open source, the primary support comes from community forums.


As for pricing, the beauty of Talend Open Studio is that its core version is free. However, for the more advanced features, you'd have to look at Talend's subscription offerings, which include Talend Data Fabric and other premium versions.

  • Stitch: No-code data ingestion for busy analysts.
  • Data Management Platform: The perfect starting point for data professionals and teams.
  • Big Data Platform: Advanced analytics for cross-team initiatives.
  • Data Fabric: The enterprise's most complete data integration and sharing solution.

For exact figures, owners are asked to contact the sales department.



A cloud-based platform offers a suite of data integration, backup, management, and access tools. It is a versatile solution, akin to a multifunctional digital toolbox, for businesses needing to connect their disparate cloud and on-premise data sources.

One of the critical features of Skyvia is its no-code data integration service. It allows users to easily create and manage data flows between various systems and databases regardless of their technical expertise. 

Skyvia also offers robust data backup capabilities, providing a safety net for critical business data. Additionally, it supports various data operations like querying, exporting, and replicating data, making data management efficient. Skyvia’s ability to provide insights through its query builder, accessible via a web interface, turns complex data queries into more straightforward, visually driven processes.


  • Cloud-Based Simplicity: Skyvia takes the ETL process to the cloud, like a magic carpet ride above the complexities of on-premise setups.
  • No-Coding Data Integration: Skyvia offers a user-friendly, graphical interface that lets you set up and manage data integrations with just a few clicks.
  • Wide Range of Supported Data Sources: Skyvia supports many cloud and on-premise data sources. This versatility makes it a one-stop shop for your data integration needs.


  • Performance with Large Data Volumes: Users have reported performance issues with large datasets, which can be a hiccup in otherwise smooth operations.
  • Limited Customization for Complex Integrations: While its no-code approach is a boon for ease of use, it can also be a bane for complex, custom data integration needs.
  • Dependence on Internet Connectivity: Since Skyvia is cloud-based, your access to ETL processes is as good as your internet connection.


  • Basic integration for a small volume of data — $0/mo.
  • Basic Data Ingestion and ELT scenarios — $15/mo.
  • ELT And ETL Scenarios — $79/mo.
  • Powerful data pipelines for any scenario — $399/mo.

SAS Data Management

SAS Data Management

It is a comprehensive platform that facilitates efficient data integration, quality, governance, and monitoring. SAS Data Management specializes in integrating data from diverse sources. It's a skilled mediator adept at combining disparate data formats and sources, from traditional databases to big data systems, into a manageable structure. The platform's data quality features ensure that the data is unified, clean, and reliable – much like a meticulous editor, ensuring that every piece of info is accurate and up-to-date.

Beyond integration and quality, it also focuses on data governance, providing tools to manage, monitor, and secure data effectively. Having a vigilant guard ensures that data is appropriately used and protected against misuse.

SAS Data Management offers a robust solution for organizations looking to harness their data's full potential while ensuring it is well-managed and trustworthy.


  • Comprehensive Data Integration: It's highly efficient in integrating data from various sources, ensuring that data is consistent, accurate, and accessible.
  • Advanced Data Quality: With features that cleanse, standardize, and enrich data, SAS is like a meticulous editor, ensuring that only the best-quality data is used in your analytics.
  • Strong Governance and Compliance Features: SAS provides robust governance capabilities in a world where data privacy and compliance are as crucial as the Data itself.


  • Complexity and Learning Curve: It's complex, and mastering its full suite of features can feel like learning to pilot a spaceship. It's powerful but not exactly user-friendly for beginners.
  • Resource Intensity: Running SAS Data Management can be demanding on system resources. You might need robust hardware to get the most out of it.
  • Integration with Latest Technologies: There might be times when SAS needs extra adjustments or updates to work seamlessly with newer data sources or platforms.


The vendor asks to contact him each time to determine the service price.

IBM DataStage

IBM DataStage

IBM DataStage is a potent and versatile ETL tool, part of the IBM InfoSphere suite, designed to integrate data across multiple enterprise systems seamlessly. It excels at extracting data from various sources, be they structured or unstructured. It's capable of handling vast volumes of data, transforming it into a unified format suitable for analysis and business intelligence. This transformation process is a masterful alchemist turning raw metals into gold, as DataStage cleans, enriches, and restructures data, making it more valuable for decision-making.

The tool's high performance, scalability, and parallel processing capabilities ensure that it can easily manage extensive and complex data loads. It's also recognized for its robust data integration capabilities, crucial for businesses dealing with large-scale data environments and requiring reliable, efficient data processing solutions.

One of the IBM ETL tools is a crucial player for enterprises seeking a powerful tool to drive their data strategy, offering both depth and breadth in data integration and transformation.


  • Robust Data Processing: Think of it as a heavy-lifting champion, capable of processing vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently.
  • Flexibility in Data Integration: Its ability to integrate with a wide array of data sources and targets is akin to a universal adapter in electronics.
  • High-Quality Data Transformation: DataStage ensures the quality of data transformations is top-notch, providing accurate and reliable data for business analytics and decision-making.


  • Complexity and Learning Curve: Its powerful features come with a steep learning curve, requiring significant time and effort to become proficient.
  • Resource Intensity: Running DataStage can be resource-intensive, especially for large-scale implementations.
  • Cost of Expertise and Maintenance: The complexity of the tool often necessitates having skilled professionals for its maintenance and operation.


As of the last update in April 2023, the costs for IBM DataStage could be broken down as follows:

  • Base License Cost: This could start at several thousand dollars, ranging from $7,500 to $15,000 or more, depending on the required version and capabilities.
  • Annual Maintenance and Support Fees: Typically, there's an additional cost for annual maintenance and support, which could be around 20% of the license fee.

Formerly known as Xplenty, it is a cloud-based data integration platform designed to simplify the process of preparing and moving data. Primarily focused on ETL processes, allows users to extract data from a variety of sources — traditional databases, cloud services, and SaaS applications.

Once data is extracted, the platform enables powerful transformation capabilities. Users can clean, format, and manipulate data with ease. It ensures the data is primed and ready for analysis or business intelligence purposes. The tool’s ability to load processed data into various destinations, including data warehouses and analytic tools, makes it a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking to streamline data workflows. Its cloud-native approach offers scalability and flexibility, making it an ideal tool for companies navigating the ever-evolving data management landscape.


  • Ease of Use: shines with its user-friendly interface, akin to navigating a well-designed app.
  • Cloud-Native Integration: It seamlessly connects with various cloud-based data sources and SaaS applications, streamlining cloud data integration tasks.
  • Customizable Data Flows: Offering flexibility, allows users to create customizable data flows.


  • Performance with Very Large Datasets: When it comes to massive datasets, might sometimes show limitations.
  • Limited Advanced Features for Complex Integrations: While is excellent for standard data integration tasks, it may fall short in handling highly complex data integration scenarios.
  • Dependence on Internet Connectivity: Being a cloud-based tool, your ability to use hinges on your internet connection.


  • Starter: For basic ETL requirements & running pipelines daily — 15,000/year.
  • Professional: For heavier security & support requirements while running pipelines frequently — 25,000/year.
  • Enterprise: For advanced security, support, & feature requirements while running pipelines in real-time — custom price.

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Other ETL Tool Examples

Here is a short list of ETL tools that are not included in the general list but need to be mentioned due to their sufficient popularity.

  • Apache Airflow ETL tool is an open-source tool for orchestrating complex computational workflows and data processing pipelines, often used in processes.
  • Using Apache Spark for ETL processes occurs due to its powerful data processing capabilities, allowing for efficient extraction, transformation, and loading of large datasets, especially in big data applications. It makes ETL with Spark a pair.
  • Apache Kafka ETL tool is a distributed event streaming platform used in Extract, Transform, Load processes for real-time data streaming.
  • Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) ETL tool is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and transformation solutions.
  • SAP ETL tools: SAP Data Services is designed for data integration, quality, and cleansing, while SAP BW provides comprehensive data warehousing functionalities and integrates with various SAP and non-SAP data sources.
78% of executives

78% of executives try to overcome difficulties when utilizing their data, with over a third admitting they don’t use it for decision-making.


What are the key factors when selecting an ETL tool for data transformation?

When selecting an ETL tool for data transformation, it's crucial to consider its compatibility with existing data systems and its ability to handle your data's specific volume and complexity. Additionally, evaluate the tool's scalability, ETL performance tuning, ease of use, and the quality of customer support provided, as these factors directly impact the effectiveness and sustainability of your data transformation processes.

What are each ETL tool's unique features and capabilities on the list?

Here is the ETL tool list:

  • Dell Boomi AtomSphere: Offers a cloud-native, unified platform for integration, API management, and workflow automation, known for its low-code development environment and extensive connectivity options.
  • Hadoop: An open-source framework designed for distributed storage and processing of large data sets, excelling in handling big data, best suited for organizations that require processing massive volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data.
  • Google Cloud Dataflow: A fully managed service for stream and batch data processing, notable for its seamless integration with other Google Cloud ETL services and ability to auto-scale based on processing needs.
  • Azure Data Factory ETL Tool: A cloud-based data integration service from Microsoft ETL tools, known for its visual interface and integration with Azure's cloud services, offering data-driven workflows for orchestrating and automating data movement and transformation.
  • Portable: This would typically be characterized by its ability to be easily used across different platforms or environments, offering flexibility and adaptability in data extraction, transformation, and loading processes.
  • Stitch: A cloud-based ETL service that primarily focuses on simplicity and speed, offering straightforward data integration from various sources into cloud data warehouses, best for a fast solution for consolidating their data for analysis.
  • Talend Open Studio: Offers a user-friendly graphical interface for designing data workflows and supports a wide range of data sources, making it adaptable and suitable for diverse data environments, valuable for those seeking an open-source ETL tool.
  • IBM DataStage: Known for its high performance and scalability, IBM DataStage excels in handling extensive and complex data loads, making it ideal for large enterprises with demanding data integration needs.
  • AWS Glue: As a serverless, managed ETL service, it simplifies data integration tasks with automated data discovery and transformation capabilities, best suited for businesses looking to leverage the scalability and integration with the AWS ecosystem.
  • Oracle Data Integrator: Stands out for its ELT approach and high-performance data integration, particularly effective in scenarios requiring data transformations directly in the target database, favored by businesses with Oracle database usage.
  • It offers a cloud-based, user-friendly platform with strong ETL capabilities and extensive connectivity options, ideal for businesses seeking a flexible and scalable cloud-native data integration solution.
  • Skyvia: A versatile, no-code cloud platform providing data integration, backup, and access with a focus on ease of use and flexibility, suitable for businesses looking for a comprehensive, user-friendly data management solution.
  • SAS Data Management: Offers a robust suite for data integration, quality, governance, and monitoring, making it a comprehensive choice for enterprises needing a unified framework for extensive data management.
  • AWS Data Pipeline: Provides a solution for automating the movement and transformation of data, best for businesses deeply integrated into the AWS ecosystem and requiring a service to orchestrate data workflows between AWS compute and storage services.

Are there any open-source or free ETL tools available for data transformation?

Yes, several open-source or free ETL tools are available for data transformation, offering robust functionality without the cost associated with commercial software. Talend Open Studio is a popular example, providing a comprehensive data integration and management tool suite. At the same time, Apache ETL tools NiFi and Pentaho ETL tools for data integration (Kettle) are also widely used for powerful data processing and integration capabilities in complex environments.

How can I determine which ETL tool best fits my organization's specific data transformation needs?

To determine the best ETL tool for your organization's specific data transformation needs, assess your data's volume, variety, and complexity, your team's technical expertise, and the existing IT infrastructure. Consider integration capabilities with current systems, scalability to accommodate future growth, budget constraints, and the tool's level of customer support and community engagement.

What are the best open-source ETL tools?

The best open-source ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools often include Apache NiFi and Talend Open Studio. Apache NiFi is known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and dataflow automation capabilities, while Talend Open Studio excels with its extensive set of tools for data integration, quality, and management.

What are the most effective salesforce ETL tools?

The most effective Salesforce ETL tools are often Informatica Cloud and Jitterbit. Informatica Cloud is highly regarded for its robust data integration capabilities and ease of use, while Jitterbit is celebrated for its robust data connectivity and API transformation features, making it ideal for complex Salesforce integrations.

Is SSIS an ETL tool used for data integration and workflow applications?

SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) is an ETL tool. It is widely used for data integration, transformation, and workflow solutions, particularly in Microsoft SQL Server environments.

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