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DevOps Experience

DevOps Experience

The ML startup faced high costs during its growth for a data-driven platform infrastructure that processes around 30 TB per month and stores raw data for 12 months on AWS. We reduced the monthly cost from $75,000 to $22,000 and achieved 30% performance over SLA.


QPS performance


cost reduction
DevOps Experience case image

About the client

Deduce is an IT Services and IT Consulting company that protects businesses and their customers from unauthorized account access, and identity fraud.

Tech stack

AWS EC2 icon
AWS RDS icon
PostqreSQL icon
Kafka icon
Redis icon

The client's needs

Challenges & solutions


Create AWS infrastructure that performs 2k queries per second and has 99.9 % service availability.


Removed managed services and set up a self-hosted DB over EC2.


Optimize redundancy and 2 times decrease in cost of infrastructure.


Used a cluster of servers for DB sharding, adding Elasticsearch, Kafka and Redis for different streams of data-based on industry standards.


Create failover strategy and possibilities for larger scale.


Create master/master-slave mirroring in different regions to have a failover strategy.


ML startup has encountered infrastructure cost issues during the extensive growth.


DB architecture was tuned to execute most-often queries faster.


The main goal was to decrease the monthly operational cost ($75 K) for a large data-driven platform that handles ~ 240 bln entries monthly ( ~ 30TB), storing raw data for 12 months on AWS.


Updated ETL pipelines to reduce load on DB. Cost reduction from $75k to $22k per month with performance 30% over SLA.








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DevOps Experience slider image
DevOps Experience slider image
DevOps Experience slider image
DevOps Experience slider image
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They have very intelligent people on their team — people that I would gladly hire and pay for myself.

Robert P. photo

Robert P.

CTO Cybersecurity

Steps of providing
data scraping services

Consultation icon

Step 1 of 5

Free consultation

It's a good time to get info about each other, share values and discuss your project in detail. We will advise you on a solution and try to help to understand if we are a perfect match for you.
Analysis icon

Step 2 of 5

Discovering and feasibility analysis

One of our core values is flexibility, hence we work with either one page high level requirements or with a full pack of tech docs.  At this stage, we need to ensure that we understand the full scope of the project. Receive from you or perform a set of interviews and prepare the following documents: list of features with detailed description and acceptance criteria; list of fields that need to be scraped, solution architecture. Ultimately we make a project plan which we strictly follow. We are a result-oriented company, and that is one of our core values as well.
Solutions icon

Step 3 of 5

Solution development

At this stage, we develop the scraping engine core logic. We run multiple tests to ensure that the solution is working properly. We map the fields and run the scraping. While scraping, we keep the full raw data so the final model can be enlarged easily. Ultimately we store data in any database and run quality assurance tests.
Data delivery icon

Step 4 of 5

Data delivery

After quality assurance tests are completed, we deliver data and solutions to the client. Though we have over 15 years of expertise in data engineering, we expect client’s participation in the project. While developing and crawling data, we provide midterm results so you can always see where we are and provide us with feedback. By the way, a high-level of communication is also our core value.
Support improvement icon

Step 5 of 5

Support and continuous improvement

We understand how crucial the solutions that we code for our clients are! Our goal is to build long-term relations, so we provide guarantees and support agreements. What is more, we are always happy to assist with further developments and statistics show that for us, 97% of our clients return to us with new projects.

How we provide data integration solutions

Consultation icon

Step 1 of 5

Free consultation

It's a good time to get info about each other, share values and discuss your project in detail. We will advise you on a solution and try to help to understand if we are a perfect match for you.
Analysis icon

Step 2 of 5

Discovering and feasibility analysis

One of our core values is flexibility, hence we work with either one page high level requirements or with a full pack of tech docs.  

At this stage, we need to ensure that we understand the full scope of the project. We receive from you or perform a set of interviews and prepare the following documents: integration pipeline (which data we should get and where to upload), process logic (how system should work); use cases and acceptance criteria; solution architecture. Ultimately we make a project plan which we strictly follow.
Solutions icon

Step 3 of 5

Solution development

At this stage, we build ETL pipelines and necessary APIs to automate the process. We attract our DevOps team to build the most efficient and scalable solution. Ending up with unit tests and quality assurance tests to ensure that the solution is working properly. Focus on Results is one of our core values as well.
Data delivery icon

Step 4 of 5

Solution delivery

After quality assurance tests are completed, we deliver solutions to the client. Though we have over 15 years of expertise in data engineering, we are expecting client’s participation in the project. While developing the integration system, we provide midterm results so you can always see where we are and provide us with feedback. By the way, a high-level of communication is also our core value.
Support improvement icon

Step 5 of 5

Support and continuous improvement

We understand how crucial the solutions that we code for our clients are! Our goal is to build long-term relations, so we provide guarantees and support agreements. What is more, we are always happy to assist with further developments and statistics show that for us, 97% of our clients return to us with new projects.

Steps of providing web applications services

Consultation icon

Step 1 of 7

Web development discovery

In the initial stage of the web-based development project, professional business analysts make detailed documentation of the project requirements and the approximate structure of the future web application. DATAFOREST is a custom web application development agency, guided by extensive experience in multiple industries. We give you detailed project documentation and then assemble the team according to your time and budget.
Analysis icon

Step 2 of 7

UX and UI design

Based on your wishes, the needs of your target audience, and the best web application design and development practices, our UX and UI experts create an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interface for your app to satisfy even the most demanding users.
Solutions icon

Step 3 of 7

Web-based application development

At DATAFOREST we are following the best programming design principles and approaches. Being a data engineering company, we build high load platforms, with a significant level of flexibility and result orientation. We keep our deadlines and follow SOC 2 compliance requirements.
Data delivery icon

Step 4 of 7


With DATAFOREST, integrating the application into your business won’t stop your processes for a minute. We provide seamless integration with your software infrastructure and ensure smooth operation in no time.
Quality assurance icon

Step 5 of 7

Quality assurance

We use a multi-level quality assurance system to avoid any unforeseen issues. Working with DATAFOREST, you can be confident that your web app development service solutions arrive to the market polished and in full compliance with all certification requirements.
Support improvement icon

Step 6 of 7

24/7 support

Once a product is released to the market, it’s crucial to keep it running smoothly. That’s why our experts provide several models of post-release support to ensure application uptime and stable workflows, increasing user satisfaction.
Web app improvement icon

Step 7 of 7

Web app continuous improvement

Every truly high-quality software product has to constantly evolve to keep up with the times. We understand this, and therefore we provide services for updating and refining our software, as well as introducing new features to meet the growing needs of your business and target audience.

The way we deal with your task and help achieve results

Consultation icon

Step 1 of 5

Free consultation

It's a good time to get info about each other, share values and discuss your project in detail. We will advise you on a solution and try to help to understand if we are a perfect match for you.
Analysis icon

Step 2 of 5

Discovering and feasibility analysis

One of our core values is flexibility, hence we work with either one page high level requirements or with a full pack of tech docs.  

In Data Science, there are numerous models and approaches, so at this stage we perform a set of interviews in order to define project objectives. We elaborate and discuss a set of hypotheses and assumptions. We create solution architecture, a project plan, and a list of insights or features that we have to achieve.
Solutions icon

Step 3 of 5

Solution development

The work starts with data gathering, data cleaning and analysis. Feature engineering helps to determine your target variable and build several models for the initial review. Further modeling requires validating results and selecting models for the further development. Ultimately, we interpret the results. Nevertheless, data modeling is about a process that requires lots of back and forth iterations. We are result focused, as it’s one of our core values as well.
Data delivery icon

Step 4 of 5

Solution delivery

Data Science solutions can be a list of insights or a variety of different models that consume data and return results. Though we have over 15 years of expertise in data engineering, we expect client’s participation in the project.  While modeling, we provide midterm results so you can always see where we are and provide us with feedback. By the way, a high-level of communication is also our core value.
Support improvement icon

Step 5 of 5

Support and continuous improvement

We understand how crucial the solutions that we code for our clients are! Our goal is to build long-term relations, so we provide guarantees and support agreements. What is more, we are always happy to assist with further developments and statistics show that for us, 97% of our clients return to us with new projects.

The way we deal with your issue and achieve result

Consultation icon

Free consultation

Step 1 of 5

It's a good time to get info about each other, share values and discuss your project in detail. We will advise you on a solution and try to help to understand if we are a perfect match for you.
Analysis icon

Step 2 of 5

Discovering and feasibility analysis

One of our core values is flexibility, hence we work with either one page high level requirements or with a full pack of tech docs.  

Depending on project objectives, DevOps activity requires auditing the current approach, running metrics measurement, performing monitoring and checking logs. By having a set of interviews, we ensure that we understand the full scope of the project. Ultimately we make a project plan which we strictly follow. We are a result-oriented DevOps service provider company, and that is one of our core values as well.
Solutions icon

Step 3 of 5

Solution development

At this stage, our certified DevOps engineers refine the product backlog. We deliver great results within digital transformation, cost optimization, CI/CD setup, containerization, and, last but not least, monitoring and logging. We are a result focused company – it’s one of our core values.
Data delivery icon

Step 4 of 5

Solution delivery

After quality assurance tests are completed, we deliver solutions to the client. Though we have over 15 years of expertise in data engineering, we expect client’s participation in the project. By the way, a high-level of communication is also our core value.
Support improvement icon

Step 5 of 5

Support and continuous improvement

We understand how crucial the solutions that we code for our clients are! Our goal is to build long-term relations, so we provide guarantees and support agreements. What is more, we are always happy to assist with further developments and statistics show that for us, 97% of our clients return to us with new projects.

Success stories

Check out a few case studies that show why DATAFOREST will meet your business needs.

Infrastructure Audit & Intelligent Notifications

An e-commerce company had issues with managing its complex IT infrastructure across multiple cloud providers. We helped to analyze the current architecture and develop a strategy for unification, scaling, monitoring, and notifications. As a result, we implemented a single cloud provider, CI/CD process, server unification, security and vulnerability mitigation actions, and improved reaction speed and reliability by 200%.

performance boost



Dean Schapiro photo

Dean Schapiro

Co-Founder, CTO Ecom Innovators, E-commerce company
View case study
Infrastructure audit case image
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Not only are they experts in their domains, but they are also provide perfect outcomes.

Performance Optimization & Bottlenecks Elimination

The financial services company faced performance issues and bottlenecks on its financial platform and was looking for a DevOps partner to increase application performance, stability, and resilience, and reduce operational costs. DATAFOREST performed a technical audit of the current AWS infrastructure, created a bottleneck monitoring system, re-developed inefficient SQL queries and data pipelines, and implemented horizontal scaling and a microservice approach using Docker and Kubernetes.

performance boost


cost optimization

Daniel Garner photo

Daniel Garner

CTO Flexium, FinTech company
View case study
Performance Optimization & Bottlenecks Elimination preview
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The team of DATAFOREST is very skilled and equipped with high knowledge.

Financial Intermediation Platform

The project aims to develop a deal origination platform for private equity investments in infrastructure-related sectors and involves building a secure, interactive B2B platform from scratch, with sign-up functionality to connect investment firms to proprietary investment opportunities. DATAFOREST built a highly-loaded platform and applied AI functionality to empower the application's development.

model accuracy


timely development

Enrico Cattabiani photo

Enrico Cattabiani

Founder & CEO IDN, Infrastructure Deals Network
View case study
Financial Intermediation Platform preview
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They understood our requirements, translated into actions rapidly, and adapted to requests easily.

Web app for dropshippers

The Client wanted to create a web app for people who sell products online (dropshippers) to show them the most popular products and calculate the potential profits. DATAFOREST designed and built the web app from scratch, creating high-load scraping algorithms to extract data from different e-commerce marketplaces, developing AI algorithms to calculate profits, and integrating the payment system with various functionalities.

hourly users

1,5 mln+

Shopify stores

Josef G. photo

Josef G.

CEO, Founder Software Development Agency
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Web app for dropshippers case image
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If we experience any problems, they come back to us with good recommendations on how the project can be improved.

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