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May 7, 2024
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Data Analytics: The Future Of Business

May 7, 2024
19 min
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Consider the age-old adage: "Birds of a feather flock together." This common saying refers to the tendency for people with similar interests or characteristics to associate with each other. While this observation has existed for centuries, data analytics take this insight much further.

Today, social media platforms use sophisticated algorithms to analyze user data, including their likes, shares, and connections. This data helps them identify users with similar interests and recommend connections or content aligning with them. Moreover, generative AI can create content too.

Big data analytics usage in organization. Sources: Evans Data Corporation

Big data analytics usage in organization. Sources: Evans Data Corporation

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A Guide to Data Analytics

In big data, a powerful tool known as data analytics exists. It's the art of extracting knowledge and insights from information. We know how to handle Big Data; arrange a call and you will know too.

  1. Collecting Data: The first step is acquiring the data itself. This data can come from various sources, like customer transactions, social media activity, sensor readings, or financial records.
  2. Cleaning and Organizing: Raw data is often messy and unorganized. Data analysts act as data janitors, cleaning and organizing this information. They remove errors, fill in missing pieces, and ensure consistency for smoother analysis.
  3. Transforming Data: Sometimes, the data needs a makeover. Data analysts might transform the data into a format suitable for analysis. This could involve creating summaries, averages, or converting data types for better manipulation within advanced data analytics.
  4. Analyzing Data: Data analysts leverage various techniques to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships within the data. Statistical analysis, AI and machine learning algorithms, and data visualization tools are all employed in this stage.
  5. Presenting Insights: Data analysts translate complex findings into easy-to-understand reports, charts, or dashboards, ensuring the insights are accessible to technical and non-technical audiences.

By data analytics description, it serves a multitude of purposes. Here are a few data analytics examples:

  • Data Analytics in Businesses: Companies use data analytics to understand customer behavior, optimize marketing campaigns, improve product development, and identify areas for cost reduction.
  • Science and Research: Researchers leverage data analytics to analyze complex phenomena, test hypotheses, and discover new knowledge in medicine, astronomy, and social sciences.
  • Government: Government agencies utilize data analytics to track public health trends, manage resources efficiently, and combat crime.

Data analytics is a transformative process. It empowers individuals and organizations to make data-driven decisions, solve problems effectively, and navigate the complexities of an information-rich world.

DATAFOREST offers data analytics services to many industries, including e-commerce, retail, finance, manufacturing, etc. If you are looking for data analytics services to enhance your business productivity, check out our data analytics services.

The Idea Behind Data Analytics

Data analytics is an umbrella term that encompasses many types of data. Data analytics techniques can be applied to any information to gain helpful insight. Data analytics can identify trends and metrics that go unnoticed amid a sea of information. Optimizing processes based on this information can then improve business and system efficiency. 

When DATAFOREST worked with Biomat, a plastic manufacturing company, we developed an ETL solution that combined all required data sources. This allowed us to analyze and identify bottlenecks in the manufacturing process. 

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Different Data Analytics Types

We explored the essence of data analytics—extracting knowledge from information. But within this realm lies a spectrum of approaches, each tailored to answer specific questions about the data we hold. Here's a closer look at the four main types of data analytics:

  1. Descriptive Analytics: Consider it the foundation upon which all other analytics are built. It summarizes and describes the data, clearly showing what happened. This involves calculating basic statistics like averages, medians, and frequencies and creating visualizations like charts and graphs. It answers fundamental questions like "What happened?" and "How much?"
  2. Diagnostic Analytics: It delves deeper, asking "why" something happened. It involves identifying the root causes of trends, patterns, or anomalies revealed in the descriptive stage. Techniques like data mining and drill-down analysis uncover hidden relationships and explain the "whys" behind the data.
  3. Predictive Analytics: It takes us further, leveraging historical data and statistical models to forecast future trends. This empowers businesses to anticipate customer behavior, identify potential risks, and make data-driven decisions about the future. Techniques like regression analysis and machine learning algorithms are employed in this domain.
  4. Prescriptive Analytics: Here, the focus is on understanding the past or predicting the future and recommending the optimal course of action. Prescriptive analytics uses advanced AI algorithms and simulations to suggest the best decisions based on the data and the desired outcome. This empowers businesses to optimize processes, personalize experiences, and maximize their return on investment. 

DATAFOREST’s data science services provide professional data insights tools, techniques, and consulting. Predictive analytics is one of the primary techniques. It helps businesses ascertain their future in terms of estimated sales growth, expansion in user base, etc. 

How Does Data Analytics Work, And What Are The Key Technologies It Uses?

The importance of data analytics is evident, as it helps organizations operationalize their big data by collecting, processing, cleaning, and analyzing large datasets. To get a deeper understanding of how data analytics functions, consider the following:

  1. Cloud computing: Data analytics in cloud computing refers to using cloud-based resources to store, process, and analyze large amounts of data. One of the main benefits of using cloud computing for data analytics is the ability to scale resources up or down as needed without investing in and maintaining physical infrastructure.‍
  2. Data management: Data management using data analytics can help organizations better understand and use their data more effectively, enabling them to make more informed and data-driven decisions.‍
  3. Data mining uses statistical and machine learning techniques to analyze data and extract valuable insights and knowledge. It can be applied to various data types and sources, including structured data in databases, unstructured data such as text and images, and streaming data from sensors and other sources.‍
  4. Data storage is storing digital data on a computer or other electronic device. Many types of data storage technologies and devices exist, including hard drives, solid-state drives, and cloud storage.
  5. Data lake: A data lake is a centralized repository that allows an organization to store and process large amounts of data flexibly and cost-effectively and to support a wide range of data analytics and machine learning workloads. It generally uses a distributed file system, such as Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), to store data in its raw, unstructured form. ‍
  6. Data warehouse: A data warehouse typically stores data in a structured format, using a relational database (RDBMS) or other types of databases. This structured data is extracted from transactional databases, log files, and other sources. It is transformed and loaded into the data warehouse in a process known as ETL (extract, transform, load).‍
  7. In-memory analytics: In-memory analytics refers to using computer memory (RAM) to store and process data for analysis rather than storing and processing the data on a hard drive or external server. This can be a faster and more efficient way to perform analytics, as accessing data in memory is generally faster than accessing it from a hard drive or network.‍
  8. Machine learning: In machine learning, data analytics can prepare data for use in training machine learning models. This typically involves cleaning and formatting the data before submitting it to a network training process. ‍
  9. Text mining: Text analytics is extracting and analyzing information from unstructured text data to extract valuable insights.‍

These capabilities are all critical data analytics components, and the data analysts at DATAFOREST apply them. Any business wishing to make the most of data analytics is welcome to contact us directly.

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Ways to Apply Data Analytics in Business

Data analytics empowers businesses to move beyond intuition and gut feelings, making informed decisions guided by the power of information.

Planning and Strategy: Charting the Course with Data-Driven Insights

Identify Business Goals: The journey begins with clearly understanding your strategic objectives. What are you trying to achieve? Increase customer satisfaction? Boost sales in a specific region? Define your goals to guide the data collection process.

Leverage Data to Ask the Right Questions: Data analytics helps you translate those goals into actionable questions. Instead of a general "How can we improve customer satisfaction?", data might reveal questions like "Are customers satisfied with our online checkout process?" or "Which product categories have the highest return rates?".

Data-Driven Decision-Making: Once you have these data-driven questions, you can leverage analytics to uncover trends and patterns. This empowers you to make informed decisions about resource allocation, marketing strategies, and product development, all of which are aligned with your overall business goals.

Collecting Data: Building the Foundation for Analysis

Identify Relevant Data Sources: Data is everywhere, but not all data is relevant. Focus on internal data sources like customer transactions, website analytics, and social media engagement metrics. Consider external data sources like market research reports or industry trends if they align with your goals.

Invest in Data Collection Tools: Consider data collection tools depending on your data volume and complexity. These can automate data gathering from various sources, streamlining the process and minimizing manual effort.

Establish Data Governance Practices: It is crucial to have data governance practices when collecting data. This ensures data quality, consistency, and security and defines clear ownership and access protocols to maintain data integrity.

Ensuring Data is Relevant: Refining the Raw Material

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Raw data is rarely perfect. Data analysts organize the data, removing errors, inconsistencies, and missing values. This ensures the data is accurate and suitable for analysis.

Data Validation: Data must be validated to ensure accuracy and relevance to your goals. This might involve cross-checking data from different sources or comparing it to industry benchmarks.

Focus on Data Quality: Inaccurate or irrelevant data leads to misleading insights. Investing in data quality measures ensures your analytics efforts yield reliable and actionable results.

Making Effective Use of Data: Transforming Information into Wisdom

Choose the Right Analytical Techniques: Various data analytics techniques are suited for different purposes. Descriptive analytics helps you understand "what" happened. Diagnostic analytics delves into "why" it happened. Predictive analytics forecasts future trends, while prescriptive analytics recommends the optimal action.

Leverage Data Visualization Tools: Data visualizations like charts, graphs, and dashboards make complex data comprehensible. These tools help identify trends, patterns, and relationships within the data, allowing for more transparent communication of insights.

Embrace Storytelling with Data: Data shouldn't exist in a vacuum. Use data to tell a compelling story about your business. Highlight critical findings, showcase how they connect to your goals, and translate them into actionable recommendations for your team.

Presenting Data: Communicating Insights for Impact

Tailor Presentations to Your Audience: Craft your presentation style to suit your audience. Technical teams might appreciate detailed analytics, while executives might respond better to high-level summaries and clear takeaways.

Focus on Actionable Insights: Don't just present data; translate it into actionable insights. Clearly outline how the findings can be used to improve processes, optimize marketing campaigns, or make better product decisions.

Embed Data Analytics in the Culture: Data-driven decision-making shouldn't be a one-time exercise. Foster a data-driven culture within your organization, where employees are encouraged to ask questions, leverage data for problem-solving, and continuously improve business practices based on actionable data insights.

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The Tools of Data Analytics Discovery

Here are techniques used to analyze data, each with a distinct focus and application.

Regression Analysis

It examines the relationship between variables. Imagine you want to predict house prices. The price (dependent variable) is influenced by factors like square footage (independent variable). Regression analysis builds a model to estimate how much the price changes on average with a unit change in square footage, considering the effects of other factors like the number of bedrooms.

Relationships: How one variable influences another.

Predictions: Forecast future values based on changes in independent variables.

Explanations: Uncover cause-and-effect relationships (correlation doesn't imply causation, though).

Time Series Analysis

Time series analysis is the master of sequential data. It focuses on understanding data points collected over time. It's ideal for forecasting future trends or identifying seasonal patterns. Analyzing monthly sales data over a year using time series analysis predicts future sales trends and identifies peak sales seasons. 

Trends: Recognizing long-term movements in the data (e.g., increasing sales over years).

Seasonality: Identifying recurring patterns within a specific period (e.g., higher sales during holidays).

Forecasting: Predicting future values based on historical patterns.

Factor Analysis

It deals with simplifying complex datasets with many variables. Imagine a survey with 20 questions. Factor analysis can group these questions into underlying factors (e.g., "customer satisfaction" or "brand perception").

Latent Variables: Identify hidden factors influencing multiple observed variables.

Data Reduction: Simplify complex datasets by grouping related variables.

Pattern Recognition: Discover underlying structures within the data.

Sentiment Analysis

Not all data is numerical. Sentiment analysis tackles textual data, like social media posts or customer reviews. It employs techniques like natural language processing (NLP) to understand the emotions and opinions expressed within the text.

Brand Reputation Monitoring: Track the sentiment surrounding your brand online. Identify positive mentions, address negative feedback, and measure the overall public perception of your brand.

Customer Satisfaction Improved: Analyze customer reviews and social media conversations to understand customer sentiment toward your products or services.

Analyzing Social Media Trends: Uncover the emotional undercurrents of social media discussions. Identify popular topics, gauge public opinion on current events, and understand how people feel about various issues.

Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms learn from data without being explicitly programmed. They can identify complex patterns and relationships within the data, making them ideal for tasks that would be nearly impossible with traditional programming methods.

Image Recognition: Machine learning algorithms analyze images and videos, recognizing objects, faces, and scenes with remarkable accuracy. This has applications for data analytics in facial recognition software, self-driving cars, and medical image analysis.

Spam Filtering: They learn to accurately identify spam emails, protecting your inbox from unwanted messages. To make these classifications, they analyze email content, sender information, and past spam patterns.

Personalized Recommendations: These services analyze past behavior and preferences to recommend products, movies, music, or news articles that you're likely to enjoy. They are commonly used by e-commerce platforms and streaming services.

Generative AI

Picture a tool that transforms raw data into new forms, creating never-before-seen text, images, or code. Generative AI data analytics do that, leveraging machine learning to learn the underlying patterns within data and then using that knowledge to generate entirely new creations.

Data Augmentation: Generative AI completes detailed insights and creates synthetic data that mimics the characteristics of accurate data. This is particularly useful when dealing with limited datasets, as it allows for more robust training of machine learning models and improved model performance.

Data Exploration: Generate hypothetical data scenarios to explore potential outcomes and test different business strategies. This can provide valuable insights without the need for real-world experimentation.

Anomaly Detection: Train generative models to learn the standard patterns within your data. Deviations from these patterns can then be flagged as potential anomalies, aiding in fraud detection or system error identification.

Personalization: Generate personalized customer experiences based on their data profiles and past interactions. This can be used to recommend products, tailor marketing messages, or create customized content.

Factors companies consider when selecting analytics software

Factors companies consider when selecting analytics software

What Is The Importance Of Data Analytics?

We live in the 21st century, where data is the most critical asset. If you see a company changing its price and marketing strategy, etc., they are constantly analyzing past data trends and identifying changes that will improve its position in the market. This will help them compete with rival brands and create a new space for themselves. At the end of 2023, we had the following statistics: (1) the global big data analytics market is worth $307.52 billion, (2) cloud computing is the top technology for companies investing in data and analytics, (3) 3 in 5 organizations are using data analytics to drive business innovation.

Helps In Boosting Revenue

Data analytics is an excellent source for directing a company's sales data. With data analytics, businesses can determine which products work for which segments, allowing you to allocate your sales reps' effort more efficiently. If your current sales strategy calls for your sales reps to try to sell all your products and services to everyone, this could be a waste of time and energy. 

Historical transaction data (Possibly supplemented by data on search and browsing behaviors) will help you better understand your customers' buying behaviors. It will help you guide your sales representatives to focus on the products or services that your customers value.

Reduce Operating Costs

Data analytics can be beneficial in running a smooth and effective business. With a sound data analytics system, you can determine which parts of your business are wasting money and which areas require more funding. 

A clear understanding of your goals will help you identify where to cut costs and what technology to use to reduce operational and production costs. 

Take the case of ThinkDigital, for instance. DATAFOREST's data analysts created a solution that helped the agency optimize its customer base. The data analytics solutions notify the agency about the services their customers are more likely to buy. To put it in perspective, our data-driven marketing solution led ThinkDigital to gain a 200% boost in website traffic.

Increases Efficiency

Businesses often use data analytics to identify inefficient internal processes and create new, more efficient workflows to enhance operational efficiency. 

As a result of using data analytics, businesses can improve their operation by evaluating the efficiency of current workflows, analyzing the outcome of the processes, automating new workflows, and refining them over time as needed. 

Business leaders can also use data to determine whether processes are cumbersome, draining budgets, or challenging. A business needs a data analyst to help streamline big data into small, understandable packets for this process to work effectively.

Top benefits companies get from using data analytics

Top benefits companies get from using data analytics

Enhances Marketing Efforts By Better Targeting

Using customer data analytics, businesses can determine how to advertise a product that genuinely impacts the target audience and at what scale such advertising should be implemented. By analyzing data, you can also determine how much you will need to spend to make your business or products known based on their impact and at the lowest price you can get. 

Collecting the correct information can save a great deal of money. That's one of the biggest reasons why the importance of data analytics has grown in the marketing industry. 

The case of Consumer Electronics Retail nicely illustrates this. Data analysts at DATAFOREST identified commonly visited shelves and products and used security cameras to evaluate the movement of individuals within their stores and the products they ultimately bought. As a result, we gathered data that they could use, and shortly after, their sales zoomed by 9%.

Improve Customer Service

Data analytics can be instrumental in customer service, as it can help businesses to better understand their customers and improve the customer experience. 

  • Identifying customer needs and preferences: Data analytics can analyze customer data, such as purchase history, customer feedback, and social media activity, to identify trends and patterns in customer behavior.
  • Improving customer satisfaction: Data analytics can track customer satisfaction over time and identify areas where the customer experience can be improved. For example, it can be used to identify common customer complaints or problems and develop strategies to address these issues.
  • Personalizing the customer experience: Data analytics can create personalized customer experiences by analyzing their data and identifying their unique needs and preferences. 

Respond Efficiently To Market Events And Industry Trends

Data analytics can be instrumental in helping businesses respond to changing market trends. The data can provide insights into customer behavior and market conditions. Data analytics can be used to analyze data from various sources, such as market research, customer feedback, and social media, to identify trends and patterns in customer behavior and market conditions. 

For example, data analytics can be used to identify which products or services are most popular with customers or to identify new growth opportunities. Machine learning algorithms and other predictive analytics techniques can be used to analyze data and predict future market trends.

Minimize The Risk

For a company to be protected against a wide range of potential risks posed by a wide range of potential threats that may pose to its business, a comprehensive risk management strategy can be created with the help of data analytics. 

Today, there is more than one approach to analyzing relevant data for valuable insights. Using today's efficient data analytics software may allow you to generate a risk management plan, considering more significant amounts of data and providing more representative insights than you could do manually in the past.

Gives Competitive Advantage

A well-coordinated data analytics module could also increase consumer demand by helping to understand the target audience of one's service. This can be achieved by better understanding one's service's target audience. 

In addition, greater interactivity is achieved as consumers become content suppliers by making the information available due to this two-way data exchange process; a thriving and dynamic business operation achieves a synergistic effect, characteristic of a successful and dynamic business.

Bank Data Analytics Platform

The Bank Data Analytics Platform project aims to develop a web-based application for the Client and its customers to query and analyze data relating to various banks and other financial institutions. The project involves building an interactive B2B web app with custom dashboards and analytics features, as well as using AI functionality to empower the application's development and analytics capabilities.
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Signs Your Business Needs Help with Data Analytics

If your team lacks qualified data scientists or analysts to handle complex data analysis tasks, a vendor like DATAFOREST can provide the necessary expertise. When your data volume proliferates and exceeds your in-house processing capabilities, a vendor with the infrastructure and tools to handle large datasets is invaluable. If your data analysis needs to go beyond basic descriptive statistics and involve techniques like machine learning or natural language processing, a provider with access to specialized analytics tools and technologies is pivotal. Susceptible data with robust security protocols and compliance expertise protects your data. Please fill out the form, and let's find insights from data to grow your business.

Which is NOT a benefit of data analytics for businesses?
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C) Wasting time and energy on marketing campaigns
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What is the data analytics definition?

Data analytics examines, cleans, and analyzes data to extract valuable insights and uncover hidden patterns. These insights are then communicated to stakeholders to inform better decision-making and guide future actions.

What are the critical data analytics roles in a company?

A company's data analyst team extracts insights from information by cleaning, analyzing, and interpreting data. They then communicate these insights to stakeholders to guide better decision-making.

What are the differences between data analytics and insights?

Data analytics is the process of examining and interpreting information. It involves techniques like cleaning and organizing data. Data insights, on the other hand, are the valuable discoveries and conclusions drawn from that analysis. They represent the "aha moments" that inform better business decisions.

In what real-life situations does data analytics come into play?

Data analytics is used everywhere, from healthcare, where it analyzes patient data to personalize treatments, to online shopping, which recommends products based on browsing history.

What is the difference between Data Analytics and Data Science?

Data analytics focuses on answering specific questions using existing data and traditional techniques. On the other hand, data science involves a broader approach that may include developing new methods and using advanced tools like machine learning to uncover hidden patterns within data.

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