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Virtual Assistant Services

Virtual assistants (AI agents) automate tasks, interact with users, and make decisions based on data and predefined goals. They use a combination of natural language processing (NLP), intent recognition, entity extraction, and dialogue management, along with machine learning models like transformers and recurrent neural networks. DATAFOREST has excellent expertise in these areas, so we understand how to train AI models to respond to human language in a helpful and engaging way.

Banking & Finance

Money Helper answers questions, makes payments, and gives financial advice.

Security Guard is always looking for suspicious activity, keeping money safe.

Form Filler completes boring paperwork quickly and easily.

Investment Guru makes investment decisions based on financial goals.

Healthcare & Wellness

Personal Health Coach schedules appointments and reminds you to take your meds.

Symptom Checker consults about your symptoms and gets personalized advice.

Mental Health Buddy provides emotional support and helps you manage stress.

Fitness Tracker offers personalized fitness plans and cheer you on as you reach your goals.

Supply Chain & Logistics

Inventory Wizard predicts when you'll need to restock and places orders.

Shipping Tracker tells you exactly where a package is and when it will arrive.

Route Planner finds the most efficient routes for your shipments.

Problem Solver identifies the disruption issue and suggests solutions.


Claim Helper guides you through the process, making it quick and easy.

Policy Expert explains policy in plain English and helps you understand what's covered.

Risk Assessor assesses your risk profile and finds the right insurance policies.

Fraud Detector spots fraudulent claims, protecting honest policyholders.


Co-Pilot navigates, finds parking, and controls your car's features using voice commands.

Maintenance Minder reminds you when your car needs service and suggests a mechanic.

Safety Tutor monitors your driving habits and offers tips on how to be a safer driver.

Entertainment Center plays your favorite music, podcasts, or audiobooks.

Retail & E-Commerce

Personal Shopper recommends products based on preferences and completes a purchase.

Style Advisor puts together outfits that match your style and body type.

Customer Service Rep answers questions about a product or order 24/7.

Inventory Checker scans inventory levels for you before you go to a store.

Real Estate

Property Finder notices properties that match your criteria, including location, price, and size.

Virtual Tour Guide explores properties from the comfort of your own home.

Market Analyst provides insights into market trends to make decisions about buying or selling.

The Negotiator acts on your behalf, potentially saving money on your next real estate deal.

Cases of Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Check out a few case studies that show why DATAFOREST will meet your business needs.

Emotion Tracker

The financial company wanted to create a web app for their customers to query analytics about various banks with custom dashboards and analytics features. To solve this challenge, we developed a web-native application from scratch using highly-loaded AI scraping algorithms to generate a real-time database of banking data from various open-source websites and financial institutions. The app is easy to use and provides valuable insights.

CX improvement


cost reduction

Alex Rasowsky photo

Alex Rasowsky

CTO Banking company
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Emotion Tracker preview
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They delivered a successful AI model that integrated well into the overall solution and exceeded expectations for accuracy.

Client Identification

The client wanted to provide the highest quality service to its customers. To achieve this, they needed to find the best way to collect information about customer preferences and build an optimal tracking system for customer behavior. To solve this challenge, we built a recommendation and customer behavior tracking system using advanced analytics, Face Recognition, Computer Vision, and AI technologies. This system helped the club staff to build customer loyalty and create a top-notch experience for their customers.

customer retention boost


profit growth

Christopher Loss photo

Christopher Loss

CEO Dayrize Co, Restaurant chain
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Client Identification preview
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The team has met all requirements. DATAFOREST produces high-quality deliverables on time and at excellent value.

Entity Recognition

The online marketplace for cars wanted to improve search for users by adding full-text and voice search, as well as advanced search with specific options. We built a system application using Machine Learning and NLP methods to process text queries, and the Google Cloud Speech API to process audio queries. This helped greatly improve the user experience by providing a more intuitive and efficient search option for them.

faster service


CX boost

Brian Bowman photo

Brian Bowman

President Carsoup, automotive online marketplace
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Entity Recognition preview
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Technically proficient and solution-oriented.

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Technologies of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Pandas icon
SciPy icon
TensorFlow icon
Numpy icon
ADTK icon
DBscan icon
G. AutoML icon
G. AutoML
Keras icon
MLFlow icon
Natural L. AI icon
Natural L. AI
NLTK icon
OpenCV icon
Pillow icon
PyTorch icon
FB Prophet icon
FB Prophet
SageMaker icon
Scikit-learn icon
SpaCy icon
XGBoost icon
YOLO icon


First, you must figure out what your AI assistant wants to do. Is it a customer service whiz, a sales superstar, or a data-crunching analyst?


AI assistants need personality, too! This involves crafting
a conversational style and tone of voice that aligns 
with your brand.


Next, you need to collect data to train your AI. This could be 
customer interactions or product information that helps you understand your business.


Once your AI assistant is built, it's time to put it to the test. This requires interacting with it, identifying areas for 
improvement, and fine-tuning responses.


Using machine learning algorithms, you teach your AI to understand language, recognize patterns, and make decisions.


By continuously monitoring its performance and gathering 
feedback, you help your AI assistant become even smarter and more helpful over time.

Don’t lose money to fraudsters!

Our AI Assistants spot suspicious activity before it's too late.
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Still have questions about data science services?

How can AI agents benefit my business?
AI agents can automate repetitive tasks, freeing your employees to focus on higher-value activities. They can also provide 24/7 customer support, improving response times and customer satisfaction. AI agents analyze data to uncover insights that drive better decision-making and improve business outcomes.
What are the real-life examples of virtual assistants?
You probably already use virtual assistants in your daily life. Famous examples include Siri and Alexa, which can answer questions, set reminders, and control smart home devices. In the business world, AI agents are used in customer service chatbots, virtual sales assistants, and automated email responders.
What is the tech stack used?
The specific tech stack can vary, but it typically includes natural language processing (NLP) libraries and frameworks, machine learning models, and cloud computing infrastructure. Popular NLP libraries include spaCy and NLTK, while machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch are commonly used.
What is an AI Assistant?
An AI assistant is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence to understand and respond to natural language input. They can perform various tasks, from answering questions and providing information to automating routine processes and making recommendations.
Where can AI Assistants be used?
AI assistants can be used in various industries and applications, including customer service, marketing and sales, healthcare, education, and finance. They can be deployed on websites, mobile apps, messaging platforms, and with voice assistant development.
Which is the best virtual assistant technology?
There's no one-size-fits-all answer, as the best technology depends on your needs and requirements. Factors to consider include the assistant's capabilities, ease of use, scalability, and cost.
What AI agent development frameworks do you use to build robust generative AI agents?
We primarily leverage PyTorch and TensorFlow to build and train the neural networks that power our generative AI agents. Libraries like NLTK and SpaCy are essential for natural language processing, enabling the agents to understand and respond to human language. We also utilize cloud-based AI assistant platforms like SageMaker to streamline the development and deployment.
How do you engineer intelligent agents similar to AutoGPT?
We employ techniques, including reinforcement learning, natural language processing, and decision-making algorithms, to engineer intelligent agents. We create autonomous systems capable of completing complex tasks by training these agents on vast amounts of data and refining their responses through iterative feedback.
Do I need AI virtual assistant software?
Whether you need AI assistant software depends on your business goals and resources. If you want to improve customer service, task automation, or gain insights from data, then an AI-based virtual assistant could be a valuable asset.
How do you ensure the security and integrity of AI agents?
We prioritize security by implementing robust authentication and authorization measures, encrypting sensitive data, and regularly monitoring vulnerabilities. We also follow ethical AI principles to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in our AI agent development.
How does the integration of machine learning for data science enhance the capabilities of ML data science?
Machine learning for data science represents a pivotal integration, where sophisticated ML techniques are applied to extract deeper insights and predictions from complex datasets. In the realm of ML data science, this combination is empowering data scientists to uncover patterns and trends that were previously hidden, significantly enhancing data-driven decision-making across various industries.
What is the function of a machine learning database in the context of ML algorithms?
A machine learning database is the backbone for storing and managing the vast and varied datasets essential for training and refining ML algorithms. Through machine learning development services, businesses can tap into this wealth of data to build custom solutions that enhance operations, drive innovation, and provide a competitive edge in their respective industries.
What is the role of a machine learning company in the business sector?
A machine learning company specializes in developing sophisticated algorithms to transform how businesses interact with their data, leading to smarter, more informed decision-making. By focusing on creating a machine learning application, these companies enable a wide range of industries to automate and optimize their processes, enhancing efficiency and innovation.
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